Alysha Randall

Fast Growth Consulting Ltd
Streamline Finances, Optimise Cash Flow, Unlock Growth Potential & get prepared for a Fundraise.


London, UK


Tech Founder
Alysha Randall

A team of Finance leaders who support founders and their start-up go from struggling with unreliable financial data and cashflow issues to having clear financial insights so they can make informed decisions and successfully manage growth and attract investors.

We free up the founders time, professionalise finance processes and spotlight what is working, or not, in the business from a resources and profitability point of view. We can also upskill internal finance teams or educate leadership team on financial management.

I worked with two successful exits in my corporate life (Lovefilm was acquired by Amazon and Funding Circle is listed on the LSE), so we know what good looks like, having worked with start-ups and sclae-ups for 18 years. Some clients include: allplants, Legl, Collagerie, VenueScanner.

We also know some of the challenges female founders have with fundraising and help them to get the best raise possible.

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